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As a professional Translation company, we appreciate your time and business. Our linguists specialise in various language spheres and have extensive experience and skills.

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We can arrange legalisation of your documents with an Irish Apostille stamp at the Department of Foreign Affairs. We are accustomed to tight deadlines so even if you're in a hurry - we can help. We can also arrange certification of your documents i.e. certificates, diplomas, power of attorney, deed, proxy or affidavit as a true copy of original and translate it in to relevant language...

+ Legalisation Services...



Apostille it is an international certification comparable to a notarisation in domestic law.The Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement for Legalisation...

+ more about Apostille...

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Aveți nevoie de traduceri legalizate, în timp util și la prețuri accesibile, din sau în limba Română (Moldovenească) în Dublin, Cork, Galway, Limerick sau în alte orașe ale Irlandei?

LexTrans oferă traducrerea oricăror tipuri de documente din/în limba Română (Moldovenească). Toate traducerile sunt efectuate  în 24 de ore și sunt legalizate de către un avocat sau un notar public.

Traducem documente precum:

1. Certificate de naștere
2. Certificate de căsătorie / divorț
3. Certificate de deces
4. Pașapoarte/ Buletine de identitate
5. Permise de conducere
6. Diplome / Certificate.... și oricare alte tipuri de documente sau texte de care aveți nevoie.

Beneficiile pe care le obțineți:

1. Prețuri atractive
2. Termeni scurți de traducere (24 de ore)
3. Calitate înaltă a traducerilor, deoarece suntem specializați în  traduceri juridice
4. Obțineți reduceri atunci când aveți nevoie de un număr mare de traduceri sau texte lungi
5. Puteți să ridicați traducerile de la biroul nostru sau să le primiți prin poștă.

În afară de serviciile de traducere și interpretariat oferim și servicii precum: apostilarea documentelor, servicii notariale, servicii de avocat, înregistrarea companiilor și afacerilor și multe altele. Pentru mai multe informații, vă rugăm să ne contactați.
Dacă nu aveți timp să vizitați biroul nostru, nu e nicio problemă! Puteți pur și simplu să ne trimiteți documentele pe care le aveți de tradus prin intermediul poștei, la biroul nostru din Dublin,  sau prin e-mail.

Facem totul pentru confortul dumneavoatră!

Dacă aveți întrebări privind traducerile Românești (Moldovenești) nu ezitați să ne contactați. Vom fi bucuroși să vă ajutăm!

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

What is a Notary Public?

A Notary, or Notary Public, can authenticate or legalise any document. You will normally require the services of a Notary Public when you have documents which are needed to be used abroad. The Notaries signature and seal will verify to the authorities in that country that the relevant checks have been carried out.

The need for a notary public is dictated by the requirements of the country where the document is to be used. For example, if you wish to buy a property abroad, it is often necessary to give your overseas lawyer power to deal with the purchase. This can be done by means of a power of attorney, which is signed by you in front of a notary. The notary public will confirm your name and identity and sign the document and seal it with their official seal.

Foreign Languages.

Documents presented to a notary may be in a foreign language (for example Russian, Polish, Spanish, Latvian, Estonian, Portuguese, French, Lithuanian etc.). The notary must ensure that both they and the client understand the meaning and effect of the document. Notaries do not usually give advice about the meaning or effect of a document or transaction. It is important that the client shows the notary any correspondence or advice that he has been given by others. A Notary Public may also be known as a Notario Publico, Нотариус, Notārs, Нотаріус, Notaras, Notariusz, Notario, Notar or a Notaire

What is Legalisation or Apostille?

A notarised document may often need to be further authenticated by having the Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirm the validity of the notary's signature and seal. The requirement for this will depend on the foreign country involved. This is done by legalisation by the use of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs official certificate attached to the document, known as an apostille. These are internationally recognised due to the Hague Convention.

Services that often Notary Public provides:

• Notarising and drafting Powers of Attorney
• Certifying documents that require a Notary Public
• Wills
Apostille or legalisation
• Swear an Oath or Affidavit
• Notarising commercial contracts
• Overseas Marriage
• Buying or selling a property abroad
• Legal translations and notarisation

Need assistance?

If you need assistance in arranging an appointment with a Notary Public or Public Notary in Ireland we are here to help. By providing you with an effective and cost efficient multi-lingual Interpretation Service, on your behalf we can book an appointment with a nearest Irish Notary in Dublin, Cork, Galway, Limerick, Sligo, Carlow, Portlaoise, Waterford, Dundalk or in other city in Ireland.

We can also arrange legalization of your documents with an Irish Apostille stamp at the Department of Foreign Affairs, if needed. We are accustomed to tight deadlines so even if you're in a hurry - we can help.

Should you require assistance in finding or booking an appointment with a Notary Public in Ireland, please call us 0879488901 or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Traducciones certificadas del/al español.

Traducciones certificadas del/al español en Dublín, Galway, Cork, Limerick Dundalk y el resto de Irlanda.

¿Está buscando un servicio rápido y económico de traducción del/al español en Dublín, Cork, Galway, Limerick o algún otro lugar de Irlanda?

Si necesita traducir sus documentos originales en español y le gustaría utilizarlos para el gobierno irlandés u otras instituciones como la Oficina del Registro Civil, su médico de cabecera, hospitales, Oficina de Inmigración y Naturalización u otras autoridades tanto públicas como privadas en Irlanda, contáctenos. Nuestras traducciones están reconocidas en Irlanda y son traducciones certificadas por un abogado o notario público.

Traducimos cualquier tipo de documentación oficial certificada en 24 horas.

  1. Traducciones de documentos certificados.
  2. Partidas de nacimiento.
  3. Certificados de defunción.
  4. Certificados de matrimonio.
  5. Actas de divorcio.
  6. Certificados de cambio de nombre.
  7. Pasaportes.
  8. Títulos universitarios.
  9. Diplomas.
  10. Otros documentos.


  1. Precios económicos.
  2. Sin necesidad de desplazamiento.
  3. Traducciones rápidas en 24 horas.
  4. Oficina situada en el centro de Dublín.
  5. Servicio de traducción urgente disponible fuera de horario de oficinas.
  6. Se ofrecen descuentos en grandes pedidos.
  7. Entregas por mensajero o correo postal.

¿No dispone de tiempo para visitar nuestra oficina o vive lejos de Dublín? Ningún problema. Usted puede simplemente enviar por correo postal o por email todos sus documentos a nuestra oficina en Dublín.

Por favor visite – Contact Us para más detalles.

Si le surge cualquier pregunta o duda, por favor, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros:

Telf: +353 87 9488 901 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Polski Notariusz w Dublinie  

Poszukujesz Polskiego Notariusza w Dublinie? Jako biuro pośrednictwa możemy pomóc w  procedurze sporządzania stosownego pełnomocnictwa oraz upoważnienia w formie aktu notarialnego, poświadczonego klauzulą apostille.

Kancelaria LexTrans" świadczy usługi również w innych miastach Irlandii - Dublin | Galway | Cork | Limerick | Waterford | Wexford | Sligo | Irlandia.

Możemy pomóć w przygotowaniu

German Translations service in Ireland, Dublin.

We offer certified German to English translations to business and public.

Whether you need to submit your documents for Irish passport, social housing, child registration or for marriage registration in Ireland, you would be required to bring your foreign documents translated from German to English. Under some circumstances banks and insurance companies might require your German documents to be translated to English language.

Most common documents our customers translate are:

Tłumaczenia Dublin – Tłumaczenia dokumentów tylko 15 eur! | LexTrans”

Biuro tłumaczeń LexTrans” oferuje: Tłumaczenia dokumentów w cenie promocyjnej – tylko 15 eur!

Szybko i rzetelnie tłumaczymy dokumenty z języka polskiego na angielski: akty urodzenia, akty małżeństwa, zaświadczenia o niekaralności, świadectwa, dyplomy oraz inne dokumenty.

Diploma translation ireland dublin

Diploma Translation in Ireland Dublin.

LexTrans” as a professional translation company, we appreciate your time and business. Our linguists specialise in various language spheres and have extensive experience and skills. We aspires to providing bespoke translation services and offers best value for money. We guarantee outstanding quality aiming at satisfaction of each client.

Latviešu tulkojumi Īrijā Dublinā

Latviešu Tulkojumi Īrijā Dublinā

Profesionālie tulkošanas pakalpojumi Īrijā Dublinā. Laipni lūdzam tulkojumu biroja LexTrans". Ja Jums nepieciešams profesionālais tulkojums no/uz angļu Īrijā Dublinā. Tulkojumu birojs LexTrans” piedāvā plašu pakalpojumu spektru kā rakstiskā, tā arī mutiskā tekstu un dokumentāciju tulkošanā no latviešu/krievu uz angļu valodu, kā arī otrādi. 

Mūsu tulkošanas birojs piedāvā plašu pakalpojumu spektru dažādu tekstu un dokumentāciju tulkojumu jomā. Pēc klienta vēlmēm tiek veikta teksta redakcija/korekcija, iztulkoto dokumentu notariāls apliecinājums un iztulkoto dokumentu formatēšana. Augstas kvalitātes tulkojums ir viens no svarīgākajiem mūsu Tulkojumu biroja Īrijā Dublinā principiem, kuru ievērojam darbā ar pasūtītāju. Esam gatavi sadarboties kā ar privātpersonām, tā arī ar lieliem uzņēmumiem.

Lūdzu sazinieties pa tālruni. 087 94 88 901 vai e-pastu: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




French Translator in Dublin

French Documents Translation Service in Dublin.

LexTrans Translation Bureau in Dublin offering certified French to English translations to business and public.

Whether you require to submit your documents for Irish passport, Social housing, child registration or for marriage registration in Ireland, you would be required to bring your foreign documents translated from French to English.

Latvian Family Solicitor specialising in Divorces of Foreign Marriages.

We are a firm located in Dublin, Ireland specializing in overseas divorce. If you are a citizen of Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland or Slovakia, but would like a divorce while out of country, we can help. Our solicitors are able to process divorce cases often without it not being necessary to return to your home country or attend any procedures in person. We are qualified and experienced in the dissolution of marriages while living abroad. Our attorneys are experienced with the complexities of international divorce.

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